Seismographs of the present?

The transformation of television drama series on Austrian ORF in den 1970s


  • Sylvia Szely Institut für Geschichte, Universität Wien



The productions emanating from Austrian ORF for drama series in the 1970s oscillated between three different media: Firstly, the then still comparatively young medium of television itself, which at the start of the decade was characterised by openness, not just in terms of possible program content, but also as regards forms of presentation and representation. This fluidity derived from contemporary political circumstances, as weil as from the fact that no clearly defined genre had yet developed in this area. Secondly, literature provided a large amount of program material, as was the case with most other publicly-owned state television channels at the time. However, much greater emphasis was placed now on contemporary Austrian literature. Lastly, film also played a specific role. Many of the drama series were produced on film and the ORF co-financed most of the relevant film projects because the Austrian film industry was in crisis: lt had continued in the same direction since 1945, failing to undergo either an aesthetic renewal or a financial restructuring.




How to Cite

Szely, S. (2001). Seismographs of the present? The transformation of television drama series on Austrian ORF in den 1970s. Austrian Journal of Historical Studies, 12(4), 60–72.