“…the Maid was Sent Away Before She Had Given Birth“

Narratives about Maids in Divorce Records Between 1800 and 1867


  • Stephanie Rieder-Zagkla University of Vienna, Department of History




gender history, maids, history of labour law, history of sexuality, adultery, divorce proceedings, sexual violence


Divorce files not only document the negotiation of conflicts between two spouses. They also provide insights into the (often precarious) working conditions of marginalized persons, such as servants. This article examines divorce files from 1800 until 1867 with a special focus on the narratives they contain about maids. The first part of the article addresses the issue of sexual violence against maids. The second and the third part question what consequences sexual intercourse with the masters and a potential pregnancy could have for the maids according to labour law and criminal law. Finally, the article discusses whether the maids had agency in the context of “adultery” with their masters and if they could express their personal perspective in court.




How to Cite

Rieder-Zagkla, S. (2023). “…the Maid was Sent Away Before She Had Given Birth“: Narratives about Maids in Divorce Records Between 1800 and 1867. Austrian Journal of Historical Studies, 33(3), 193–205. https://doi.org/10.25365/oezg-2022-33-3-10



research paper