Controversies Regarding Memorials to Romani Victims of National Socialist Violence in Burgenland (Austria)


  • Ursula K. Mindler-Steiner University of Graz, Department of History



Romani Austrians, Burgenland Roma and Romnija, memorials, National Socialism, Kemeten, Lackenbach, Oberschützen


In 1984, on the initiative of associations for the victims of National Socialism, the federal state of Burgenland dedicated a memorial in Lackenbach to the Romani victims of National Socialist violence. It was erected in the vicinity of a former National Socialist “Gypsy detention camp”, the largest internment, forced labour, and transit camp of its kind in Austria. Following the suggestions of the Kulturverein österreichischer Roma (Cultural Association of Austrian Roma), an annual commemoration ceremony has been held at the site since 1990. In 1989, a memorial to all local victims of National Socialism was inaugurated in Oberwart. In recent years, one could almost speak of a “remembrance boom” in regard to Romani victims of National Socialist violence in Austria.




How to Cite

Mindler-Steiner, U. K. (2023). Controversies Regarding Memorials to Romani Victims of National Socialist Violence in Burgenland (Austria). Austrian Journal of Historical Studies, 34(1), 301–311.