Vol. 34 No. 3 (2023): Motions of Knowledge – Knowledge in Motion

					View Vol. 34 No. 3 (2023): Motions of Knowledge – Knowledge in Motion

Editors: Lisa Hoppel, Florence Klauda, Nora Lehner

Editorial staff: Elisa Heinrich

This special issue discusses ways of applying the concept of “knowledge circulation“ in historical scholarship. The history of knowledge understands “knowledge circulation“ as a multidirectional process in which knowledge is produced, mobilized, and transformed. This approach makes it possible to shed light on various actors, spaces, means, and techniques that constitute the process of knowledge production. Examining the contents, conditions, functions, as well as obstacles of knowledge in motion, uncovers contested agencies and asymmetrical power relations in knowledge production. By including a variety of definitions and methodological approaches, the volume showcases ways of identifying practices of representation and recognition, as well as strategies of empowerment and agency, if knowledge production is understood as a communicative process of action. Contributions covering various epochs and regional contexts allow for a focus on conceptual synergies in order to display the analytical value of “knowledge circulation”.


The volume is also published as a print-version in StudienVerlag. Coverdesign by himmel. Studio für Design und Kommunikation, Typesetting: Marianne Oppel, Cover: StudienVerlag/Karin Berner.

172 pages, EUR 37,--, ISBN 978-3-7065-6309-3; ISSN 1016-765 X

Published: 2023-12-20

