Critical Junctures of Ethnic Media in Austria


  • Yelizaveta Andakulova Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences of Sciences, University of Klagenfurt


ethnic media, critical junctures, Austria


In light of globalization, migration, and the imperative to safeguard human rights, the examination of ethnic media has become a pertinent and noteworthy area of research within the realm of media studies. Nevertheless, the historical exploration of ethnic media in Austria remains insufficient. Thus, the objective of this research paper is to identify the key critical junctures that have exerted a substantial impact on the evolution and course of ethnic media in Austria. By employing the theory concerning changes in Austrian history at the national level, this research aims to unveil the pivotal moments experienced by Austrian ethnic media in the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century.


Yelizaveta Andakulova, Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences of Sciences, University of Klagenfurt

studied International Relations at Webster University and wrote and wrote her Master’s thesis on EU-Countries and Soft Power. She is a member of the project “Multilingualism in the Media” at the Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Research at the Austrian Academy of Sciences of Sciences (ÖAW) and the University of Klagenfurt. The project aims to assess the status quo of linguistic diversity in the Austrian media media landscape and to determine the need for a multilingual media offering.





Andakulova, Y. (2024). Critical Junctures of Ethnic Media in Austria. Medien & Zeit. Kommunikation in Vergangenheit Und Gegenwart, 39(2), 12–22. Abgerufen von





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