A Repmans Life – Report from the Austrian “Repository Manager Network”





Repository, digital preservation, gold open access, green open access, repository management, work routine


Over the last decade, the number of academic repositories has slowly increased in Austrian institutions, especially supported by the e-infrastructures Austria project (2014–16)2, with its focus on promoting repository infrastructure in our country. Mostly located at libraries or other research supporting facilities the repository manager operates as a mediator between the needs of the target audience and the requests of the stakeholders, while considering the technical requirements and possibilities, evaluating and integrating trends and future needs as well as trying to keep up to date by means of continuing education. However, what exactly is it that repository managers do? Based on the regular meetings of the Austrian “Netzwerk für RepositorienmanagerInnen” (Repository Manager Network) since May 2017 this article attempts to depict some of the issues that repository managers are currently facing.


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How to Cite

Torggler, A. and Andrae, M. (2018) “A Repmans Life – Report from the Austrian ‘Repository Manager Network’”, Communications of the Association of Austrian Librarians, 71(1), pp. 107–124. doi: 10.31263/voebm.v71i1.1986.

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