
Motions of Knowledge – Knowledge in Motion. Bewegungen des Wissens – Wissen in Bewegung


Wie wird Wissen produziert? Wie wird es verbreitet? Und wer bestimmt, was als Wissen gilt? Diese Fragen beschäftigen das breite Feld der Wissenschafts- und Wissensgeschichte. Der Blick in frühere Ausgaben der OeZG bildet einige der Entwicklungen ab, die das Feld der Wissensgeschichte durchlaufen hat. Er zeigt auch, dass Historiker:innen sich schon lange mit Aspekten und Themen beschäftigen, die heute explizite Kernfragen der wissensgeschichtlichen Forschung darstellen.

Read more about Motions of Knowledge – Knowledge in Motion. Bewegungen des Wissens – Wissen in Bewegung

Current Issue

Vol. 35 No. 1 (2024): What is radical?
					View Vol. 35 No. 1 (2024): What is radical?

Editors: Theresa Adamski, Gabriella Hauch

Editorial staff: Michaela Hafner

“Being radical” was and is a self-definition and expression of a political stance. At the same time, the concept of radicality served as a projection surface for standardization processes and exclusion mechanisms as well as political, social and religious struggles. This OeZG volume is dedicated to these self- and external attributions of radicality in workers' and women's movements from the 19th to the 21st century. The contributions reflect on concepts of radicality from an intersectional perspective and focus on their temporal, spatial and social localization.

The actors discussed include Argentinian anarchists in the 1890s, activists from the Red Power movement of the 1960s and 1970s and feminist theorists up to the present day. Interviews with two climate activists take the discourse on radicalism into the agitated states of the present. The boundaries between what was and is considered radical or conservative, modern or traditional, progressive or reactionary for the protagonists are drawn at different points - sometimes rigidly, sometimes flexibly. The question “What is radical?” therefore remains an open one.


The volume is also published as a print-version in StudienVerlag. Coverdesign by himmel. Studio für Design und Kommunikation, Typesetting: Marianne Oppel, Cover: StudienVerlag/Karin Berner.

146 pp., EUR 38,--, ISBN 978-3-7065-6367-3; ISSN 1016-765 X

Published: 2024-05-05
View All Issues

The Austrian Journal of Historical Studies (OeZG) has existed since 1990. It publishes articles in English and German, in particular on topics of women’s and gender history, cultural history, the history of science, political history, as well as economic and social history, economic history. The OeZG appears three times per year, mostly in themed issues but occasionally also in topically open issues. Its strength is the connection of theoretically and methodically innovative approaches with relevant historical debates and subjects.

Starting in 2020, the Austrian Journal of Historical Studies (OeZG) is published as an open access journal via OJS3. All issues since 1990 were made available via this website. The OeZG will continue to be published in print by StudienVerlag, through whose website all previous editions (from no. 1/1990 to no. 2/2019) are also accessible in digital form.